PAX Pure

PAX Pure


PAX Pure has created a device that simulates high altitude boiling by reducing the pressure on the liquid, allowing it to boil at a much lower temperature. 

PAX Pure achieves low temperature boiling with the world’s first vacuum condenser. This patented breakthrough allows PAX Pure Technology to drive a vacuum and condense water in one step with no moving parts, membranes or chemicals. The low temperature operating point also permits PAX Pure to use low cost materials that reduce capital expense and prevent scaling. By separating and condensing water vapor, PAX Pure is able to treat water with very high mineral content, ideal for desalination and other hard to treat waters.

This technology allows PAX Pure to distill water at low temperatures, allowing for a variety of energy sources. PAX Pure can capture “free” energy from the sun or waste heat from industrial processes, such as power generation or food and beverage manufacturing. When PAX Pure combines the pressure-lowering device and very low cost or free heat, it can purify water with groundbreaking efficiency.


