Bandab Consulting Engineers

Bandab Consulting Engineers


Bandab Consulting Engineers company was founded in 1981, it has been active in the following fields:
 Dam Construction, 
 Water Resource Development, Irrigation, and Drainage network, 
 Transmission Pipeline, Potable Water Reservoirs, and Water Treatment Plants, 
 Collection of Surface Water, Sewerage, and Treatment of WasteWaters, 
 Oil and Gas Projects, 
 Structural Engineering 
In addition to M.P.O. certificate, Bandab is in the UNDP's roster for consulting Engineers firms as well as the Islamic Development Bank.
About 200 engineers and specialists are employed at Bandab on full time basis, aside from specialists who cooperate on case to case assignments in the fields of geology, geophysics, geotechnics and petroleum engineering.
Bandab puts special emphasis on quality assurance and quality control. A staff of highly qualified Q/C personnel is engaged at all of our job sites.
At present, we have a number of projects from the Economic Development Plan of Iran in the planning stages.

