Giswater Association

Giswater Association


The goals of Giswater Association are to meet the challenges of the Giswater project, and we work to achieve the following objectives:

Our mission is to move from acquired knowledge to shared knowledge in the areas of water management, as supply, sewerage, urban drainage or flood risk assessment, and our vision is to develop Giswater, a open software project with the goal to communicate any water simulation software through any Spatial database with any Geographic Information System (GIS) in order to give everybody a real way of open water solutions.

Giswater connects water simulation programs to a powerful GIS interface, and lays the foundation for full management of water supply systems, sewerage systems, drainage networks and rivers using Web Map Services (WMS), System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) or Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRMS).

The versions of the code are released under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

Source code:

