SWFF Global Call Yields 553 Applications

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SWFF Global Call Yields 553 Applications

The SWFF 4th Global Call for Innovations closed on October 10, and 553 organizations from 91 countries submitted applications.

Seventy-four percent of applicants are from developing countries, and 89 percent are new to USAID or other partner funding. 

SWFF will announce the winners in March 2017 at the GEC.

c39b2fd1912be49b6eed23619c03a6b4.jpgFour-hundred-and-twenty-three applicants identified as Stage 1 (market-driven product), and 130 as Stage 2 (scaling/commercial growth). Just over a third are commercial enterprises (34%), about a third are NGOs (32%), and about 20% came from higher education institutions or research organizations.

Just over half (53%) of the applicants identify as having a “combined” innovation that is both a business model and a technology. About a third registered their innovation as a technology (28%) and one-fifth (18%) as a business model.

Source: Securing Water for Food

