CWA State Revolving Loan Fund

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CWA State Revolving Loan Fund

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program is a federal-state partnership that provides communities a permanent, independent source of low-cost financing for a wide range of water quality infrastructure projects. 

epa_cwsrf_logo_high_res.jpgCWSRF is a loan program that provides financing to eligible entities within state and tribal lands for water quality projects including:

Under the CWSRF program, EPA Region 9 provides grants to the states of Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada to capitalize individual state CWSRFs.

The programs are managed by the states, and loans or other types of assistance for projects are distributed according to each state’s program and priorities.

Every year Congress appropriates funds that EPA distributes among the states.

Visit EPA's CWSRF Web site, or contact our Region 9 CWSRF Program Manager, Susan Polanco at (808) 541-2722. 

Source: EPA

